WEX Launches WEX Capital, Holdbrooks to Lead
WEX, a global commerce platform, launched WEX Capital. Formerly known as Fleet One Factoring, WEX’s newly named WEX Capital business, which is backed by WEX Bank, provides companies with working capital solutions to support business opportunities or growth.
Joining WEX to lead this business is Heath Holdbrooks, who will serve as a vice president. Holdbrooks came to WEX from Crestmark, a division of MetaBank, where he served as president of the commercial capital group.
Lynne Taylor Farrar, Cory Turner and Sean Campbell will also join the WEX Capital team. Farrar, most recently underwriting manager at Crestmark, will serve as director of operations. Turner and Campbell, both previously regional business development managers at Crestmark, will help form WEX Capital’s field sales organization.