Franklin Capital Provides $1MM Factoring Facility to UK-Based Piping Supplier

Franklin Capital completed a $1 million factoring facility for a piping supplier headquartered in the UK.

A broker in the UK recently connected Franklin Capital with the supplier. The company wanted to make its U.S. operations standalone but lacked the working capital to accept and fulfill several large new contracts. It had been difficult for it to secure the financing because its main business was in the UK.

Franklin Capital successfully provided the company with a $1 million factoring facility, allowing it to accept the large contracts and grow its business.

“We are excited to have the opportunity to help this amazing international company. Franklin’s experience helping companies both in and outside the U.S. access customized financing programs was key to this successful partnership. Our experience allowed us to provide them with the financing they need to grow their U.S. business,” Sue Duckett, executive vice president at Franklin Capital, said.


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