Citibank Agents Amendment to SLR Investment Corp.’s Credit Facility

SLR Investment Corp. amended its senior secured credit facility. The amendment includes a reduction in the credit facility’s pricing grid of 25 basis points to LIBOR plus 175 to 200 basis points, based on certain conditions. In addition, the credit facility was expanded from $620 million to $700 million and extended from 2024 to December 2026.

According to an 8K filed with the SEC, Citibank is the administrative agent for the facility and Citibank, J.P. Morgan Securities and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation are the joint bookrunners and joint lead arrangers.

“We believe these improvements to our credit facility further strengthen the company’s funding profile and represents one of several steps we will pursue to decrease the company’s average borrowing cost and extend the company’s average debt maturity,” Michael Gross, co-CEO of SLR Investment Corp., said.

“We appreciate the support and confidence of our financing partners as we seek to further scale the company,” Bruce Spohler, co-CEO of SLR Investment Corp., said. “The amended credit facility enhances our liquidity position and adds flexibility to fund our robust investment pipeline in the fourth quarter and heading into 2022.”

SLR Investment Corp. is investment grade rated by Fitch and Moody’s.


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